We are the[PACK]out®!
May 13 – 15, 2024
Loews Coronado Bay Resort
Coronado, California
the[PACK]out® recognized a need in the healthcare packaging industry for an event that was focused on building a strong community, advancing the industry, and keeping pace with expectations. We came together and created the[PACK]out® because we believe the future of healthcare packaging should be charted by the industry.
Here’s what we did:
Developed a for-the-industry, by-the-industry conference with a nonprofit operating model, making enough revenue to support the event and giving remaining proceeds back to industry by investing in academia, funding research, supporting industry organizations, and other creative ideas still in the works.
Thank you to our exhibitors for your company’s unwavering support!
Developed a state-of-the-art technical conference that connects peers and re-energizes careers by presenting fresh new content in an environment that sparks passion, drive, and curiosity.

Jill Cinalli

Kiley Djupstrom

Jenn Goff

Cassie Ladd

Karen Polkinghorne